Questions for the Mun!


  1. What made you decide to roleplay this muse?
  2. Do you roleplay other muses?
  3. Are there other characters you’re interested in rping or wish to?
  4. What made you decide on your URL name?
  5. What made you decide on your blog title?
  6. Other characters/muns you’re interested in roleplaying with?
  7. Do you overthink your tag descriptions or keep it simple?
  8. Text format or nah? What’s your opinion on that?
  9. Favorite three icons of your muse.
  10. How do you feel about the interpretation of your character vs the fandom?
  11. What’s a thread you’d like to do in the near future?
  12. Do you have fun RPing?
  13. Three of your favorite threads.
  14. Would you get along with your muse?
  15. What’s an M!A that would be fun to try out?
  16. What’s the relationship status of your muse? Single? Taken?
  17. Are you selective?
  18. Your muse’s theme song.
  19. What’s your opinion on blog themes? How do you feel about your own?
  20. What’s something that would make you unfollow a mutual?
  21. Three big no-nos to do or say to your muse. (their ‘berserk button’) 
  22. Three interesting little tidbits or facts of your muse.
  23. Where are you typing right now and where do you usually type?
  24. Send ✍ for the mun to take a crack at imitating your muse. Can be a small silly reply or a more in-depth take. ( Add + plus a scenario or who they’re talking to if you’d like to be more specific)
  25. Send ☝ for the mun to give a word to your character on the muse’s behalf. Any advice? A secret the the muse is hiding? Do tell.

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