
roleplaying habits questions.

  1. what’s a grammar rule you find yourself breaking or ignoring a lot?
  2. are there any languages besides english in which you think you could comfortably roleplay?
  3. how often do you reach for a synonym dictionary when writing? how about mentally?
  4. how often do you need to translate your own or the other’s writing with a dictionary or google when writing and reading replies?
  5. do you listen to music while your write?
  6. do you have ideal writing circumstances when you can do a lot of drafts or tackle really long ones very easily?
  7. are you a morning, day, evening, or night writer?
  8. how does tiredness affect your writing?
  9. have you ever written a serious reply intoxicated?
  10. how much do you proof-read as you are writing vs. proof-read at the end?
  11. when you are writing a reply, how much ahead in the thread do you plan?
  12. is there ever been a time when you’ve had to drop a roleplaying partner because you’ve found their writing style exhausting?
  13. does writing roleplay things in public spaces make you uncomfortable?
  14. what do you do after you see a person has replied? do you read it immediately, or do you wait for it to show up on the dash? do you like it, draft it immediately, etc?
  15. how often do you need to change the icon in your reply while or after writing the reply?
  16. do you first get in the “zone” when writing, or do you start writing and “enter” it that way?
  17. what is your biggest obstacle to writing every day, if time doesn’t count?
  18. what’s your inbox count currently? what did you do to get it so high/low?
  19. how many drafts is a paralysing amount?
  20. if you are writing a wrong reply that’s not working out, do you save what you have to be continued at another date, or do you scrap it and rewrite?
  21. does making icons give or take away energy to write? what about other graphics?
  22. longest reply you’ve ever writen on mobile?
  23. does the total amount of threads you have going on matter to you, or just how many you owe?
  24. what’s your thought process when you format? any unspoken rules you follow?
  25. how does your follower count affect your mood?

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