Non-massacre, would itachi have romantic feelings for sasuke?

[[ Anon… I think we should best be addressing his obsession with Sasuke as opposed to trying to label it something as simple as “romantic” feelings, aha. 

Like, romantic feelings really really over simplify how he feels for Sasuke. He was able to be manipulated into a genocide because of the extent of his feelings for Sasuke. This is far beyond simple romance.

Even if you could label it like that– Itachi wouldn’t act on it. He’s simply happy as long as Sasuke is alive. ]]

assuming there was no massacre what would the dynamics be like if itachi married Sasuke if Sasuke were a girl?

[[ I’ve been asked this question before, and while I love me some Itasasu (genderbent or not), the fact of the matter is that a marriage between Itachi and Sasuke wouldn’t happen, even if they were both opposite sexes.

Itachi would marry Izumi. Sasuke could pick whoever she wanted. 

While a degree of incest is necessary to keep something like a bloodline clan running, the Uchiha is big enough in numbers and genetic diversity that they wouldn’t immediately turn to direct siblings. 

Itachi marrying Sasuke would be a very last ditch resort only if their numbers were very few and it was impossible or incredibly difficult to regain their members via non-clan births. They would start with half-Uchiha before making direct siblings be forced to continue the bloodline. ]]

Do you think itachi and sasuke can grow a beard?

[[ Mmm, I’d say this one is partly up to personal interpretation. 

But let me list some things and you can take away what you want from it–?

As for my answer, I really have two opinions on this? On the one hand, I believe they do grow facial hair but like East Asian men (as they seem to heavily resemble/be modeled after), the hair is really thin, doesn’t grow fast, and can be shaved off with ease. 

Then I just think no they can’t because Kishi didn’t want to have to deal with it and wouldn’t think facial hair would add any quality to their appearance/doesn’t need to show age via facial hair, so it’s just because he didn’t feel like it. 

So one in-universe reason and one out-of-universe design reason.

As for the other stuff– there are lots of men in Naruto with facial hair. Some didn’t start out with it and some have it in later designs (Chojuro and Kiba and Shikamaru as just three examples of facial hair in later designs). 

Some have it because it shows a certain type of character design (A, Darui, Ohnoki), etc. 

I’ve seen background Uchiha in the  manga panels with facial hair, so in-universe it’s perfectly possible Uchiha can grow facial hair, I just don’t try to think on it too deep because it’s likely mainly a design thing. Even Fugaku didn’t have facial hair. 

If you want to see really nice art of Uchiha with facial hair, I’d recommend @renamon15, their art is really nice :3 ]]