A glance around again, finding that this wasn’t an ideal place for this conversation. Though feeling a little uncomfortable with asking. It takes Hinata a moment to glance up at him, “c-could we please.. find a quiet place to speak?” Adjusting the strap of her bag before lashes lift to assess his reaction.

Hesitance to speak where she could be overheard. Or she could be naturally shy, but what would make her act like that when her sister was supposedly more outgoing? 

Or it could just be nerves from talking to an officer, even if she hadn’t done anything wrong.

Itachi must keep his avenues open, but finding somewhere comfortable for her to speak is priority, and so he gives her an easy smile with a nod, motioning with his head towards the side of the house, drawing a brow up in question.  That should be fine? Or she can move somewhere, and he can follow. 

Feeling attention on her person, Hinata looks over to find the man she was waiting for. A striking resemblance to his brother whom she attended school with. Collecting her bag she stands, moving towards him. This would be the last person anyone expected her to seek out which is exactly why she felt comfortable talking to him. Head dipping, “I hope this wasn’t inconvenient for you.”

“We’re just doing our job.” It’s fine, really. He’s on patrol. He can get called for anything, or anyone.

“I was just curious to know if you had any insight as to your sister’s recent behavior.” He leaves out anything which could implicate her or her Father; he wants to know Hinata’s honest opinion. 

The girl doesn’t really have anything on her record indicating it’s actually her fault. And his experience with Sasuke means something could’ve built up under a parent’s nose.

Or because of them. 

It was strange that being surrounded by those signed-up to serve and protect seemed so.. daunting. Pale eyes shift from one moving body to another, all attending a variety of matters that she perceived to be important. This whole situation was incredibly embarrassing; Hanabi’s acting out, father becoming unbearably restrictive, harsh, something was bound to snap.

Several problems arose when dealing with prominent families whose children began acting out.

By default– the blame was usually placed on the child. A parent is there to enforce rules, and to help a child become a proper adult. A child’s job is generally to listen, to absorb those lessons, and to stay out of trouble.

It’s easy to see where blame supposedly lies in the parents when low income families are involved. The area they live in, the size of their home, the state of it, and the rate of crime in the area are all things that statistically tell Itachi that parents are usually neglectful, that children have no proper structure. That state of income is hard to escape.

But with families like this– usually the fault is placed entirely on the child. She’s a minor, which entails her being brought right back home, and most of the questions entail asking if Hanabi has met less than unsavory people, rather than anything trying to blame the Father himself.

Itachi spares a glance towards the other– she has to be an elder sister. She’s quiet, and immediately he gets the feeling she might know a little more. Observers usually hold more than they give out. Even if it was the child’s fault, he might get something that would help the girl, as opposed to enforcing further restrictions. 

It’s better to do it now. While the other squad car has Hiashi’s attention. He beckons over quietly, but won’t close the distance himself.  

ooc: What is an ideal modern-Itachi ? or a light example of where you see him in a modern setting?

[[ Oooh, well, I have several modern settings, but they usually have one thing in common: Itachi’s in some sort of law enforcement, as is most of his family.

There are some things you can and cannot parallel when drawing off of canon to import in a modern setting, and I’m just one of those people who tries to not stray too far from the source material even when shifting into something like this, because I want the character to still feel familiar, not only to myself but to audiences.

Since the Uchiha are in law enforcement within canon, I feel it makes sense for the family history to also contain a lot of cops in a modern setting. Not every single Uchiha, obviously, since this is not something they’re bound to by the city’s/country’s laws, but a family legacy type deal. I usually also like to keep Fugaku as the Chief of Police.

If Itachi does not grow up to be an officer himself, then he enters an area of law enforcement which he feels is  more fitting and less violent, like a human rights lawyer. He won’t have the necessary war-trauma to make him obsess over peace like he did in canon (which will also curb his obsession with his little brother), but plenty of people seek peaceful ways to do things without having to suffer in their younger years.

TL;DR: I see him as a cop or a human rights lawyer/advocate. ]]

Non-massacre, would itachi have romantic feelings for sasuke?

[[ Anon… I think we should best be addressing his obsession with Sasuke as opposed to trying to label it something as simple as “romantic” feelings, aha. 

Like, romantic feelings really really over simplify how he feels for Sasuke. He was able to be manipulated into a genocide because of the extent of his feelings for Sasuke. This is far beyond simple romance.

Even if you could label it like that– Itachi wouldn’t act on it. He’s simply happy as long as Sasuke is alive. ]]

“Do you think you can kill the clan on your own? You’re too soft, child.” He doubts Itachi can. Maybe he’ll prove him wrong. (Obito-as-Madara is actually Madara AU?)

Did he want to help, or did he just want to sit and insult Itachi’s worth this entire time? Itachi didn’t typically bring it into question, he knew he was skilled, and intelligent. Just because he doesn’t like to kill, doesn’t mean he can’t

Itachi’s eyes narrow further, directing his gaze somewhere else. Anywhere other than Madara. He and Shisui tried so hard to avoid this sort of outcome. But Shisui was gone now, eaten up by the river, the only living piece of him in a bird Itachi kept well guarded.

He doesn’t want to give in.

“It isn’t about whether I want to.” If the clan keeps this up, they’ll incite a war, and Sasuke– Sasuke will…

“I have to. If you’re certain I cannot, then you shall aid me the night of.” It was the day before the coup was scheduled. Madara could put up or shut up. 

assuming there was no massacre what would the dynamics be like if itachi married Sasuke if Sasuke were a girl?

[[ I’ve been asked this question before, and while I love me some Itasasu (genderbent or not), the fact of the matter is that a marriage between Itachi and Sasuke wouldn’t happen, even if they were both opposite sexes.

Itachi would marry Izumi. Sasuke could pick whoever she wanted. 

While a degree of incest is necessary to keep something like a bloodline clan running, the Uchiha is big enough in numbers and genetic diversity that they wouldn’t immediately turn to direct siblings. 

Itachi marrying Sasuke would be a very last ditch resort only if their numbers were very few and it was impossible or incredibly difficult to regain their members via non-clan births. They would start with half-Uchiha before making direct siblings be forced to continue the bloodline. ]]