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The kiss is more than welcome, Itachi releasing a soft moan into Hanzo’s mouth. It’s the kind of intimacy he seeks, and he’s more than eager to thrust into Hanzo’s hand when he feels the hand against him. 

He nods to the command, laying back against the couch, waiting.



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Returning the favour….

Itachi would be lying if he said no. Hanzo was ridiculously attractive, but wanting to keep a stranger safe overrid his initial feelings. Even this– was an offer of help first.

This chance will not come often, if at all after this point. 

“Please.” he murmurs, after a few moments. It isn’t right of him to do so, but he will be selfish just this once, since Hanzo is offering.



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Itachi does not want to make a mess, but at the same time, he fears he won’t be able to swallow without doing so. When Hanzo warns of his impending orgasm, he pulls off, licking his lips to disconnect the saliva, and pumping Hanzo from the base up, moving the erection near the stomach. Something like this he can simply grab a tissue to wipe off, at least. 

Itachi doesn’t think he’ll get to come, but really, it is his own fault for offering. He’s foolish to expect anything in return.