((just a heads up roleplay wise;

A lot of us have our blogs flagged as explicit and Tumblrs new rules means none of us will appear in search results/tag searches by default. Which means making things like promos will be much more difficult.

While our writing should be protected (I say should because I have heard reports people’s rp threads are already getting flagged), if we want to somehow survive as an rp community we need to be tighter knit.

And in case Tumblr does become too difficult/restrictive, I can be found on discord at Esu#6737 . You do not have to be a mutual to add me. ))

ooc: What is an ideal modern-Itachi ? or a light example of where you see him in a modern setting?

[[ Oooh, well, I have several modern settings, but they usually have one thing in common: Itachi’s in some sort of law enforcement, as is most of his family.

There are some things you can and cannot parallel when drawing off of canon to import in a modern setting, and I’m just one of those people who tries to not stray too far from the source material even when shifting into something like this, because I want the character to still feel familiar, not only to myself but to audiences.

Since the Uchiha are in law enforcement within canon, I feel it makes sense for the family history to also contain a lot of cops in a modern setting. Not every single Uchiha, obviously, since this is not something they’re bound to by the city’s/country’s laws, but a family legacy type deal. I usually also like to keep Fugaku as the Chief of Police.

If Itachi does not grow up to be an officer himself, then he enters an area of law enforcement which he feels is  more fitting and less violent, like a human rights lawyer. He won’t have the necessary war-trauma to make him obsess over peace like he did in canon (which will also curb his obsession with his little brother), but plenty of people seek peaceful ways to do things without having to suffer in their younger years.

TL;DR: I see him as a cop or a human rights lawyer/advocate. ]]

Non-massacre, would itachi have romantic feelings for sasuke?

[[ Anon… I think we should best be addressing his obsession with Sasuke as opposed to trying to label it something as simple as “romantic” feelings, aha. 

Like, romantic feelings really really over simplify how he feels for Sasuke. He was able to be manipulated into a genocide because of the extent of his feelings for Sasuke. This is far beyond simple romance.

Even if you could label it like that– Itachi wouldn’t act on it. He’s simply happy as long as Sasuke is alive. ]]



Everything started on the 16th, when Apple removed Tumblr from AppStore. Turns out it was due to a recent audit that found out there was child pornography around here. (X) They’re trying to fix the issue though (X)

More recently, tumblr started going after NSFW blogs, but it doesn’t seem like it’s because they’re NSFW, since some SFW content has been deleted as well along with any and all NSFW search (X).

It doesn’t seem like a hunt for NSFW content though, just a purge over child pornography that, as the links above note, ensnared legit users on its path. (X)

Though, keep these steps in mind if you know someone who got their blog deleted (X)







this is a bit of an emergency
If you use Tumblr, backup your stuff right now and make a post redirecting your followers to another account, Twitter or something like that
Apple removed Tumblr from the App Store because their porn bot problem got too big, and they don’t allow explicit NSFW apps
Tumblr, like the galaxy-brained geniuses they are, are going on a spree and deleting lots of NSFW blogs
Even famous artists like cutesexyrobots and eigaka got their blogs purged, so ACT QUICK


Blogs arent getting deleted on purpose and yall need to stop starting mass panick literally right now cause its annoying

Dude, tumblr deactivated a bunch of accounts without warning. Of fucking COURSE people are going to panic. No need to be an asshole about it.





this is a bit of an emergency
If you use Tumblr, backup your stuff right now and make a post redirecting your followers to another account, Twitter or something like that
Apple removed Tumblr from the App Store because their porn bot problem got too big, and they don’t allow explicit NSFW apps
Tumblr, like the galaxy-brained geniuses they are, are going on a spree and deleting lots of NSFW blogs
Even famous artists like cutesexyrobots and eigaka got their blogs purged, so ACT QUICK

@support and @staff are a bunch of braindead, incompetent morons who can’t code for shit. They don’t know what a bot is, so they purge accounts with actual people behind them. How can they be that stupid?

Know what’s even worse?

The bots are still there.