assuming there was no massacre what would the dynamics be like if itachi married Sasuke if Sasuke were a girl?

[[ I’ve been asked this question before, and while I love me some Itasasu (genderbent or not), the fact of the matter is that a marriage between Itachi and Sasuke wouldn’t happen, even if they were both opposite sexes.

Itachi would marry Izumi. Sasuke could pick whoever she wanted. 

While a degree of incest is necessary to keep something like a bloodline clan running, the Uchiha is big enough in numbers and genetic diversity that they wouldn’t immediately turn to direct siblings. 

Itachi marrying Sasuke would be a very last ditch resort only if their numbers were very few and it was impossible or incredibly difficult to regain their members via non-clan births. They would start with half-Uchiha before making direct siblings be forced to continue the bloodline. ]]




[[ This is a post detailing my history and knowledge with tumblr user justarya, a very vocal anti who currently holds a personal grudge against me from exposing her manipulative behavior towards other roleplayers and primarily her ex girlfriend over two years ago. Over these two years, the grudge has expanded and she has now resorted to trying to slander me as a predator/pedophile based on my fictional shipping preferences, and my interactions with users who hide the fact they’re underage yet interact with adult fans and adult content and later try to act the victim. This post is quite long, and I spoke to a mod of @theassholeantiarchive prior to making this. This will be link heavy, and I will archive everything I possibly can. This extensive post is a detailed response to these posts:  1 2 3 . Some links don’t have archives as they are blogs I own/help admin for so there is no possibility of post deletion.

As most people fed up with antis, I am tired of being slandered for purely fictional tastes. I have never wanted to hurt children or any human in any fashion and I never would, and I want this to serve as a warning for her to back off. This is a serious misuse of what is a very sickening crime, and as a CSA survivor it disgusts me that fiction is being co-opted and compared to what I went through as a child. Arya should be no-platformed (blocked at all costs) , and prevented from returning to roleplay circles if she continues this behavior. This is not the first time I have been slandered and all will be detailed below. ]]

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((hey everyone, just a heads up that Arya is trying to return to the Naruto roleplay community under the url galgenballade. archive of the webpage. Her ooc tag is “just Arya” as further proof. Here is how I was informed it was her, posts off her current personal, furaribi.

Remember to block and avoid, do not interact.))

[[ I have to report with another update.

Arya has attempted an “”apology”” about her actions, described here in this post about her return. Original | Archive 

Note key words, like “it was my fault” (but does not give details) “but we’re adults!” (everyone has been acting better about this than her, who regularly harasses and shit-talks people who ship things she doesn’t like), and “we’re all writing fake people” (which would be good advice coming from a normal person.)

This is 100% a non-apology, done to craft an image, and done to stop anyone from asking about her past behavior, as opposed to opening a line of dialogue if she was truly apologetic. You can’t just “oops my bad” yourself from spending years isolating people and trying to label others as predators because of things they ship in fictional settings. 

The fact she’s going to resort to  blocking people purely if they want to ask about it is her trying to avoid the responsibility she owes to the people she’s harassed over the years. 

Further proof this is a complete non-apology? She invites us to screenshot it on her personal, proving she does keep up with this post.  

And a helpful addition from my friend: It does not count as an apology when the people you owe it to are blocked from your blogs.  ]]

[[ Ask and ye shall receive, Arya.

No one ran you out. You ran yourself out when you realized people were catching onto your controlling behavior, and when you didn’t get the attention you thought people owed you. No one was stopping you from just writing like a normal person but you. You’ve yet to give an actual apology for harassing/stalking your ex girlfriend, trying to control who people spoke to, and trying to slander people as predators based on fictional taste. It’s your move. ]]



[[ This is a post detailing my history and knowledge with tumblr user justarya, a very vocal anti who currently holds a personal grudge against me from exposing her manipulative behavior towards other roleplayers and primarily her ex girlfriend over two years ago. Over these two years, the grudge has expanded and she has now resorted to trying to slander me as a predator/pedophile based on my fictional shipping preferences, and my interactions with users who hide the fact they’re underage yet interact with adult fans and adult content and later try to act the victim. This post is quite long, and I spoke to a mod of @theassholeantiarchive prior to making this. This will be link heavy, and I will archive everything I possibly can. This extensive post is a detailed response to these posts:  1 2 3 . Some links don’t have archives as they are blogs I own/help admin for so there is no possibility of post deletion.

As most people fed up with antis, I am tired of being slandered for purely fictional tastes. I have never wanted to hurt children or any human in any fashion and I never would, and I want this to serve as a warning for her to back off. This is a serious misuse of what is a very sickening crime, and as a CSA survivor it disgusts me that fiction is being co-opted and compared to what I went through as a child. Arya should be no-platformed (blocked at all costs) , and prevented from returning to roleplay circles if she continues this behavior. This is not the first time I have been slandered and all will be detailed below. ]]

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((hey everyone, just a heads up that Arya is trying to return to the Naruto roleplay community under the url galgenballade. archive of the webpage. Her ooc tag is “just Arya” as further proof. Here is how I was informed it was her, posts off her current personal, furaribi.

Remember to block and avoid, do not interact.))

[[ I have to report with another update.

Arya has attempted an “”apology”” about her actions, described here in this post about her return. Original | Archive 

Note key words, like “it was my fault” (but does not give details) “but we’re adults!” (everyone has been acting better about this than her, who regularly harasses and shit-talks people who ship things she doesn’t like), and “we’re all writing fake people” (which would be good advice coming from a normal person.)

This is 100% a non-apology, done to craft an image, and done to stop anyone from asking about her past behavior, as opposed to opening a line of dialogue if she was truly apologetic. You can’t just “oops my bad” yourself from spending years isolating people and trying to label others as predators because of things they ship in fictional settings. 

The fact she’s going to resort to  blocking people purely if they want to ask about it is her trying to avoid the responsibility she owes to the people she’s harassed over the years. 

Further proof this is a complete non-apology? She invites us to screenshot it on her personal, proving she does keep up with this post.  

And a helpful addition from my friend: It does not count as an apology when the people you owe it to are blocked from your blogs.  ]]

Salty Ask List


  1. What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get?*
  2. Are there any popular fandom OTPs you only BroTP?*
  3. Have you ever unfollowed someone over a fandom opinion?
  4. Do you have a NoTP in your fandom? Are they a popular OTP?*
  5. Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you?*
  6. Has fandom ever made you enjoy a pairing you previously hated?*
  7. Is there anything you used to like but can’t stand now?*
  8. Have you received anon hate? What about?*
  9. Most disliked character(s)? Why?
  10. Most disliked arc? Why?
  11. Is there an unpopular character you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why?
  12. Is there an unpopular arc that you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why?
  13. Unpopular opinion about XXX character?
  14. Unpopular opinion about your fandom?
  15. Unpopular opinion about the manga/show?
  16. If you could change anything in the show, what would you change?
  17. Instead of XYZ happening, I would have made ABC happen…
  18. Does not shipping something ‘popular’ mean you’re in denial and/or biased?
  19. What is the one thing you hate most about your fandom?
  20. What is the purest ship in the fandom?
  21. What are your thoughts on crack ships?
  22. Popular character you hate?
  23. Unpopular character you love?
  24. Would you recommend XXX to a friend? Why or why not?
  25. How would you end XXX/Would you change the ending of XXX?
  26. Most shippable character?
  27. Least shippable character?

*several of these questions are taken from a list that was not rebloggable