
Written content such as erotica, nudity related to political or newsworthy speech, and nudity found in art, such as sculptures and illustrations, are also stuff that can be freely posted on Tumblr.“ 

Us Roleplayers shall be fine, it seems. Let’s spread this around rather than spread panic. 



Everything started on the 16th, when Apple removed Tumblr from AppStore. Turns out it was due to a recent audit that found out there was child pornography around here. (X) They’re trying to fix the issue though (X)

More recently, tumblr started going after NSFW blogs, but it doesn’t seem like it’s because they’re NSFW, since some SFW content has been deleted as well along with any and all NSFW search (X).

It doesn’t seem like a hunt for NSFW content though, just a purge over child pornography that, as the links above note, ensnared legit users on its path. (X)

Though, keep these steps in mind if you know someone who got their blog deleted (X)







this is a bit of an emergency
If you use Tumblr, backup your stuff right now and make a post redirecting your followers to another account, Twitter or something like that
Apple removed Tumblr from the App Store because their porn bot problem got too big, and they don’t allow explicit NSFW apps
Tumblr, like the galaxy-brained geniuses they are, are going on a spree and deleting lots of NSFW blogs
Even famous artists like cutesexyrobots and eigaka got their blogs purged, so ACT QUICK


Blogs arent getting deleted on purpose and yall need to stop starting mass panick literally right now cause its annoying

Dude, tumblr deactivated a bunch of accounts without warning. Of fucking COURSE people are going to panic. No need to be an asshole about it.





this is a bit of an emergency
If you use Tumblr, backup your stuff right now and make a post redirecting your followers to another account, Twitter or something like that
Apple removed Tumblr from the App Store because their porn bot problem got too big, and they don’t allow explicit NSFW apps
Tumblr, like the galaxy-brained geniuses they are, are going on a spree and deleting lots of NSFW blogs
Even famous artists like cutesexyrobots and eigaka got their blogs purged, so ACT QUICK

@support and @staff are a bunch of braindead, incompetent morons who can’t code for shit. They don’t know what a bot is, so they purge accounts with actual people behind them. How can they be that stupid?

Know what’s even worse?

The bots are still there.



[[ This is a post detailing my history and knowledge with tumblr user justarya, a very vocal anti who currently holds a personal grudge against me from exposing her manipulative behavior towards other roleplayers and primarily her ex girlfriend over two years ago. Over these two years, the grudge has expanded and she has now resorted to trying to slander me as a predator/pedophile based on my fictional shipping preferences, and my interactions with users who hide the fact they’re underage yet interact with adult fans and adult content and later try to act the victim. This post is quite long, and I spoke to a mod of @theassholeantiarchive prior to making this. This will be link heavy, and I will archive everything I possibly can. This extensive post is a detailed response to these posts:  1 2 3 . Some links don’t have archives as they are blogs I own/help admin for so there is no possibility of post deletion.

As most people fed up with antis, I am tired of being slandered for purely fictional tastes. I have never wanted to hurt children or any human in any fashion and I never would, and I want this to serve as a warning for her to back off. This is a serious misuse of what is a very sickening crime, and as a CSA survivor it disgusts me that fiction is being co-opted and compared to what I went through as a child. Arya should be no-platformed (blocked at all costs) , and prevented from returning to roleplay circles if she continues this behavior. This is not the first time I have been slandered and all will be detailed below. ]]

Keep reading

Read More Now!

((hey everyone, just a heads up that Arya is trying to return to the Naruto roleplay community under the url galgenballade. archive of the webpage. Her ooc tag is “just Arya” as further proof. Here is how I was informed it was her, posts off her current personal, furaribi.

Remember to block and avoid, do not interact.))

[[ I have to report with another update.

Arya has attempted an “”apology”” about her actions, described here in this post about her return. Original | Archive 

Note key words, like “it was my fault” (but does not give details) “but we’re adults!” (everyone has been acting better about this than her, who regularly harasses and shit-talks people who ship things she doesn’t like), and “we’re all writing fake people” (which would be good advice coming from a normal person.)

This is 100% a non-apology, done to craft an image, and done to stop anyone from asking about her past behavior, as opposed to opening a line of dialogue if she was truly apologetic. You can’t just “oops my bad” yourself from spending years isolating people and trying to label others as predators because of things they ship in fictional settings. 

The fact she’s going to resort to  blocking people purely if they want to ask about it is her trying to avoid the responsibility she owes to the people she’s harassed over the years. 

Further proof this is a complete non-apology? She invites us to screenshot it on her personal, proving she does keep up with this post.  

And a helpful addition from my friend: It does not count as an apology when the people you owe it to are blocked from your blogs.  ]]


[[ This is a post detailing my history and knowledge with tumblr user justarya, a very vocal anti who currently holds a personal grudge against me from exposing her manipulative behavior towards other roleplayers and primarily her ex girlfriend over two years ago. Over these two years, the grudge has expanded and she has now resorted to trying to slander me as a predator/pedophile based on my fictional shipping preferences, and my interactions with users who hide the fact they’re underage yet interact with adult fans and adult content and later try to act the victim. This post is quite long, and I spoke to a mod of @theassholeantiarchive prior to making this. This will be link heavy, and I will archive everything I possibly can. This extensive post is a detailed response to these posts:  1 2 3 . Some links don’t have archives as they are blogs I own/help admin for so there is no possibility of post deletion.

As most people fed up with antis, I am tired of being slandered for purely fictional tastes. I have never wanted to hurt children or any human in any fashion and I never would, and I want this to serve as a warning for her to back off. This is a serious misuse of what is a very sickening crime, and as a CSA survivor it disgusts me that fiction is being co-opted and compared to what I went through as a child. Arya should be no-platformed (blocked at all costs) , and prevented from returning to roleplay circles if she continues this behavior. This is not the first time I have been slandered and all will be detailed below. ]]

Keep reading

((hey everyone, just a heads up that Arya is trying to return to the Naruto roleplay community under the url galgenballade. archive of the webpage. Her ooc tag is “just Arya” as further proof. Here is how I was informed it was her, posts off her current personal, furaribi.

Remember to block and avoid, do not interact.))

[[ A Hot Tip:

If you call the girl of the team/group the “mom” or “mother figure” or anything like that and imply she is left with the task of disciplining or otherwise babysitting the boys, you don’t get to complain about whatever sexism you think is prevalent in Naruto. 

Bumping up the only female to “default mom” position is sexist in itself. ]]






donation worthy website: wikipedia

NOT donation worthy website: ao3

what op isn’t saying: a site that gives young writers a platform to make their work more accessible is bad

what op is saying: don’t give your money to a site that actively turns a blind eye to child pornography

This seems like a good time to remind people that AO3 grew directly out of a previous moral panic similar to the one on tumblr, complete with people calling things “child pornography” when they weren’t. AO3 does not, in fact, turn a blind eye to child pornography. AO3 does allow writing which involves uncomfortable themes, including child abuse. That’s not child pornography. But there’s female writers, and queer writers, and queer content, and that makes people uncomfortable, so they go around stretching definitions so they can claim that a non-pornographic textual description of sex is “pornography”, and 18-year-old characters are “children”, and ignore all the other distinctions.

People on the Internet have been using accusations of pedophilia and child pornography to silence things they dislike for decades. It’s not new, and its primary effect is to allow actual abusers to escape detection, because the vocal critics are flooding law enforcement inboxes with spurious reports.

The spurious reports are, invariably, directed at marginalized and vulnerable people. People it’s safe to attack. AO3 exists precisely because that consistent pattern of targeting vulnerable people on trumped-up charges has been causing our communities a great deal of pain for longer than most of the current crop of attackers have been alive. Please continue to support AO3.

If you are deeply concerned for the wellbeing of the people attacking AO3, consider that you may be saving them a lifetime of bitter remorse over what they destroyed, when they grow up enough to realize that trying to wreck the lives and work of vulnerable people so you can feel powerful isn’t actually protecting anyone.

Omg. OPs. Seriously. Do you know what “child pornography” even IS. I politely invite you to go read the good wikipedia article on it, since this is apparently a website that you trust.

Don’t go throwing that kind of terms and extremely serious around while meaning something completely different entirely.

@the-real-seebs thanks for that good commentary

Already made my hefty donation to AO3, and will continue to support them in the future.  I’m very thankful for a site dedicated to protecting writers from the uneducated purity police.